Terms and Conditions

Funeral Catering and Deco Benefits
The Funeral Catering and Deco policy plans provides you with groceries and vegetables service benefit that comes with the cooking and cleaning up after the funeral as stipulated in your elected cover plan. Service to be provided in settlement of a death claim of a Principal Member or his/her nominated Family and Extended Family Members.
Commencement of Insurance:
Insurance in terms of the Policy commences on the first day of the month provided the premium in respect of the Principal Member and his/her Family and Extended Family Members is received prior to the 7th of the month.
The initiation fee and the first premium are payable in the first month and proof of payment is submitted to the office. Subsequence premiums are payable monthly in advance by either a debit order, stop order, EFT transfer or direct deposit to the company account number. In all these forms of transection, include the reference number as your ID number.
Premiums must be paid before the 7th of each month. If any premium is not paid continuously and timeously in terms of the Policy regarding the Principal Member lapses. And may, however, reinstate its liability on conditions which it may lay down, but in such a case no benefit is provided regarding the Principal Member and his/her Family and Extended Family.
Payment details
Financial Institution: First National Bank (FNB)
Account Time: Cheque
Branch code: 25065
Name: Bokhora (PTY) Ltd
Account number: 62940583281
Waiting period
Death due to natural causes
In the case of death due to natural causes, cover or any increase in cover has a waiting period of:

  1. Six months in the case of a Principal Member, his/her Family , Members and Extended Family Members
  2. The waiting period specified above will also apply for Extended Family Members added after the inception of the policy.

Coverage Area
We provide the catering services in Mpumalanga, Gauteng, Limpopo province within South Africa. In these areas, we cover a radius of 100Km from our offices, one located at Siyabuswa and another at Eastlynne. More than 100km radius from our offices, we charge R10 per km
Principal Member
The main insured person who has chosen to join the Bokhora Funeral Catering and Deco policy. The Principal Member must be between the ages of 18 and 75 years when the policy starts.
Family Member (if applicable)
Qualifying Spouse, Qualifying Child and Qualifying Extended Family Member.
Qualifying Spouse (if applicable)
A person married to the Principal Member or regarded as his/her life partner under civil, common or customary law. The spouse must not be older than 80 years when the policy starts. We only allow one spouse to be covered.
Cancellation of Benefits / End of cover
The Funeral Catering and Deco benefits in respect of the Principal Member, Spouse, Child/ren and Extended Family Members will lapse as soon as any of these happens:

  1. The 30 days of grace are over and no outstanding premium(s) were paid
  2. When underwriting Group or you cancel the policy.

Payed premiums will not be refunded in case of cancelation.
For Extended Family Members, the commission of a crime, suicide, or self-inflicted injury and deliberate exposure to exceptional danger will not be covered during the first year of membership from the date of receipt of the first 24 months premium.
Consent to collect and share personal information:
Bokhora may need to collect and share certain personal information about you (and the other insured persons) for administration purposes and to assess risks or consider claims for benefits under this policy. Bokhora may legally only collect, share and process information specifically related and relevant to this policy. Bokhora undertake to keep that information confidential and secure, and not to keep it for longer than it is needed. You consent to Liberty Group and Bokhora (including their staff, representatives and certain subcontractors):

  1. Sharing information in any related policy or other document with any other insurance company, directly or indirectly.
  2. This consent may limit your right to privacy. But it applies only for the above purposes and you may ask at any time for access to the information collected, processed or shared. Your con- sent is still effective after you pass away.

Claims: claims@bokhora.co.za
Complaints or comments should be directed in writing to: info@bokhora.co.za









We cook with passion

We cater for any event

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